Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Party's Over

I am back in action after a lovely month in the US. I did a lot of work while I was at home, but it doesn't seem like work when there's a fuzzy black dog snuggled up next to you, or a great guy coming home with a bottle of Malbec. :)

This time I'm only out here for about a month, and will head to Uzbekistan, the one country that I didn't manage to travel to the last time I was in the region.

I just flew into Almaty yesterday (door-to-door travel time was 27 hours) so I've got a ton to catch up on. Will try to post more this weekend. Of note: the weather.

Global warming has not hit this part of the world. There is snow and ice piled everywhere, with average daytime temps in the teens (F) and dipping into the single digits in the evenings. I bundle up and don't care about looking fashionable. I also bought a really warm camelhair scarf with a Kazakh motif. Between the scarf, my non-stiletto boots, and my hat, it is very obvious to everyone that I'm not one of them. :) At this point I am used to "getting looks" !! And couldn't care one whit about it. I am warm and toasty, which is the point. I am too old to choose looking hot over being warm, and furthermore don't care to draw attention from Kazakh men. I got me the greatest man in the world back in Baltimore, thankyouverymuch. So warm and frumpy works for me on two fronts.

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