Thursday, November 29, 2007

holy fog, Batman!

It is really, really foggy here. Everyone says that the sun shines brightly in January, but November and December are very foggy.

The other day I couldn't see the trees outside my office window, much less the building that they're building further down. It was very interesting---almost like looking out the window of an airplane when you're climbing through the clouds. Nothing was visible, and it was somewhat disorienting.

I guess I'm getting used to the fog. This afternoon when the sun broke through and started shining brightly, it was startling. I felt like I needed sunglasses. Interesting, no? Usually I'm very foggy-brained when it's foggy, but I guess I've adapted to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stumbled upon your blog. Had to say "wow, hello to a (Macedonian)-American in Kazakhstan from a Kazakhstani-who-knows-Macedonian in America"